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Divisions are used to categorize and organize your data, especially for reporting purposes such as Competition results and Season standings.  For any of the Divisions that were set up during the Wizard, but your Organization will not require, you can delete using the standard Apple method of swiping on the row from right to left then confirming the Delete operation. 

The hierarchy is as follows:
1. Division
2. Member Types fit within a Division
3. Events are assigned to a Division

We recommend that you have a division (such as Pee Wee, Wrangler, Junior, Senior, Open, etc.) for each age group or member type category .  Events are also classified by Division.  Simply tap the + icon to create a new Division and provide a Name and Description for the Division, then tap Save.

You can set up a Division which is ineligible for Season standings.  Commonly this is known as a Permit.  In this situation, tap on the switch to Exclude from Standings. Tap Save when finished. The same can be done to exclude a Division from Results, such as if you have a Division, an age group, which is participating for education or for training purposes only and will not receive points or payouts. Tap the switch and tap Save.

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Continuing Setup: Member Types >>