Barrel Racing Solutions

Barrel Racing became a specific area of focus for RodeoReady.  With our leading software product, Barrel Racing System, we have been supporting some 125 barrel racing organizations, from Northern Saskatchewan to South Africa. Our development team took on the task of building the many barrel racing specific options into the rodeo software.  In fact, we even have a specific section in our Admin User Guide for our Barrel Racing Features.  These include entries based on the horse and rider combination, the D structure and time splits in the settings, payouts and results calculations, carryover (a.k.a. rollover) scores from one event to another, and the ability to configure each event to a different set of the above.

In addition to the specific and options discussed above, many other requirements are supported with our core features such as multiple age groups/divisions, often split by gender, inclusion of events in addition to standard barrel racing (such as pole bending), season standings, and memberships.  Rules and/or payout splits may vary across divisions and certainly by event.

Each competition can have it's own specific settings, but often, future competitions are similar to past competitions and our Replicate feature has proven to be a bit hit..

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Features You will Love

The D Settings

Setting the D's, which are set per each event in the competition, include setting the number of D's, the time splits per each D, and the net purse amount allocated to that D. This is done in the same set up procedure as determining the draw format for the event, such as a 2 Go, 1 Go, 2 Go plus average, etc.  As each event can be set differently, you can have a 2 Go Open 4D event with .7 second time splits, paying a higher proportion of $'s to higher Ds, and a single Go Junior 3D event with 1.0 second time splits, paying evenly split proportions of the purse to the Ds.


Free Consultation

Complete the form below to schedule a free online one-on-one consultation with RodeoReady. The consultation can include a quick overview of your organization, a brief demo of the RodeoReady App software, and a Q&A session. 

    horse and rider entries

    Most, but not all, Barrel Racing organizations, will track entries by the horse and rider combination. Some will allow for this entry combination will others will require the combination on entry.  Some will allow for multiple entries within the same event, and others will require that multiple entries by the same rider must be on a unique horse. A number of options switches in the event set up allow these various combinations of organization/event rules.


    You have the option, at the Competition level, to set your Carryover options. There are three possible settings. NO Carryover, To Open, From Open. If set, the competitor has the option to select (and pay for) the carryover at the time of entering the competition.


    There is no limit to the number of membership types and divisions you can set up in RodeoReady. If you have Senior, Junior, Wrangler, Pee Wee, Novice, no problem.  Need these organized by gender as well? No problem. You can set up all your membership types, with registration fees for each. If you offer local competitor memberships or permit memberships, just set these up with the number of competitions allowed.

    The App includes full membership database management. Admins can update organization settings and members always have access to their personal information.

    fees setup

    Set it and forget it, almost.  How you charge your fees is based on your rulebook, your standard operating practices.  You have membership fees, event entry fees, and admin fees you need charge.  RodeoReady has membership fees, event entry fees, and admin fees settings.  

    You set your association fees and also set up your future fees with a "fee effective date", so, come January 1st, your new fees come into effect.  No last minute scramble. Organized, planned, done.

    Admin fees per event, or per rodeo, no problem, just tap the switch and RodeoReady automatically calculates the charges on rodeo entry.

    Online registration & Entry

    Save the labour, save the time, save the typing and provide the ability to your members to register online. The app allows the user to register/join your organization and enter your competitions, choosing their events. Competitors can select their event preferences and register with their horse/horses per event. 

    For many barrel racing organizations, they are accustomed to working on a cash at the gate payment model. A long line up to enter and pay and then a mad scramble to process all the entries and generate event draws.  Potential for missed entries, missed communication, missed $'s. With the RodeoReady App, you can start taking entries and payment days in advance of the competition. Produce a draw, visible to all the app users, and simply add-on as entries show at the gate.  All advance entries know their spot in the draw, can take a no panic approach to their event runs, and even view times live on the app. While we can not guarantee the rest of your competition will run smoothly, at least we can help you prepare and reduce the "mayhem at the gate" scenario.

    Online Payment

    One of the key features of the App is the ability to take online payment at time of rodeo entry/registration.  We are adding to this the option to allow a member to specify a cash payment option.

    Taking payment online means not touching or processing the $'s making entries and payments extremely efficient for the Organization. With our built-in payment platform, you will receive 100% of your fees. Funds will be automatically be transferred to your bank account.

    in-app notification on the day of the Show

    Your schedule is hectic, so is the schedule for competitors. Multiple events, changing out horses. It's good to be on top of the action and RodeoReady helps your competitors stay informed and stay on time.

    In-app notifications will alert competitors when their run time in a event is approaching, up-next, on-deck, in-the-hole to make sure they in the saddle and focused on their event. After their event run, the app will notify them of their time/score.  Notifications are stored in the app so no worry if you miss one, just a couple taps and you see the note.   

    payout Splits and calculations

    Just as there are differences in fees from barrel organization to barrel organization, so to can there be differences in payout splits, percentages, tiers, and by event.  Need your payouts set by the number of riders? No problem.  Need your payouts set by the net purse $ value? No problem. With RodeoReady, you can setup multiple payout configurations, by competition-type, by event-type, or combinations. 

    doing it for you

    Competition day is a hectic, busy day. Events, times, and scores all pouring in. With RodeoReady, tap a button to finalize the results and calculate the $'s won and points to be awarded, instantly.  RodeoReady will award $ and points according to your payout / points splits including different splits for different events, as necessary.

    No need to pull out the spreadsheet and re-type all the members, $'s and points.  RodeoReady does it for you, automatically. Tap the Standings report to see updated standings by event.

    unparalleled features for spectators

    Follow the competition from the grandstand or from your living room chair. Spectators can download the free app and follow the rodeo action as it happens with live scoring updates in each event and event results when finalized.

    No need to wait until the day after, follow the action score by score. At the end of the competition, standings are updated for all to view.


    View our two short How To by Holly Barrel Racing set up videos

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