Your profile allows you to add other people that you will manage through your account (such as children). As well, through your Profile, you can provide the authorization to another person (such as your parent) to manage your account. You may need to manage other people in two situations:
- The Other person does not have a phone and does not have a RodeoReady account
- The Other person has a phone and a RodeoReady account but you will be paying for their fees
To manage other people, tap the People tab from within your Profile. Then tap + Add to add a new person or tap on the person to edit.

When you tap to add a person, you will be asked to Add or Use Code. If you tap Add, you will create this person's profile from scratch. This is what is usually done when the other person does not have a phone and does not have a RodeoReady account.
- Profile Image
- First Name
- Last Name
- gender
- birthdate
- address
- phone number
- shirt size
- jacket size
- prize money payout method

If you tap to Use Code, you will be asked to enter the code the other person provided to you from their RodeoReady account on their phone. This is what is usually done when the other person does have a phone and does have a RodeoReady account, but you will be paying for their fees.

If you no longer need to manage another person's account from your Profile, you can delete the profile with the Delete button or transfer ownership of the account to another person. To Transfer, tap on the person's profile image and tap the Transfer Ownership button at the bottom of the screen. You will be asked to confirm you wish to do as this, as this cannot be undone. You will be provided a transfer code that you can send to the phone of the other person.

Taking Over Member Management from the Organization Admin
Some members are initially created by the Admin, usually because the member does not have access the RodeoReady App. Then, at a later date, the member does acquire the App and would like to manage their own membership including registrations into rodeo Competitions. For full instructions, see this article.